Meet Bonkers
Please meet Bonker, a beautiful black bear who resides with several other bears, various members of the animal kingdom and his human Mom Ruth LaBarge, in southern California.
Bonkers and I have become very good freinds. When Bonkers was asked to do a photo shoot with Elizabeth Taylor it was my job to remind him of a few things. One of the most important things for him to remember was to be very gentle with her. Ruth reported to me the shoot was a great success. Bonkers was very sweet with Ms Taylor holding hands with her and even giving her a kiss. Bonkers and Ruth thought I might enjoy having a picture of Bonkers with his favorite teddy bear, Ms Taylor even autographed it! I would like to share Bonker photograph with you, thank you Bonkers & Ruth, I am most grateful.
Animal Insight
Animal Insight for Film and TV ---- is one of Canada's leading suppliers of animals and trainers for the television industry. Trainers and company credits include, I, Robot, Elf, Open Range, Snow Dogs, See Spot Run, Freddy vs Jason, Final Destination II, Smallville, Kingdom Hospital, Chris Issak Show, Mysterious Ways, Still Life, Wolf Lake, Air Bud and many more.
We have had the priviledge and pleasure of working with several species over the years including monkeys, bears, chimps, wolves, dogs, cats, reindeer and rats to name a few. We have benefited greatly from Annette's god given, well developed ability to "talk" to animals and highly recommend her services to anyone who has a message for or wants a message from their beloved pet. Annette literally speaks for those who can't.
Dana & Andrew
Meet Some Animal Insight Celebrities
Rouge & Maynard
Dusty & Sophie
Brutus and Barney [below] from the movie
"Princess Diaries" and "Princess Diaries 2" |
Weezer working with Leann Rimes & Eddie Cibrian on Northern Lites, Barney Bear |
Wheezer, Leann & Eddie
Barney Bear
Barney Working Montage [click pic for bigger pic]
Barney Working Montage # 2 [click pic for bigger pic]