One Friday night after bringing in my little dog Jeremy in after his late night pee break, I did not notice that the back door hadn't shut all the way. My two teenage kittens sure did, and by the time I figured out what had happened they were outside. I was able to get the boy, Tucker in pretty easily, but Celeste became very frighten and would not respond to me, instead she ran out to the woods behind the house. Both kittens had been rescued from a feral life and were warming up quit well. To make matters worse I have a colony of 5 feral cats that live between my back door and the woods, they had frighten Celeste, and she surely wasn't going to cross them to get back to the door. Needless to say I had a very sleepless night.
Saturday I cancelled all plans and spent the day calling her name and walking through the woods. I set out two live traps, and alerted all my neighbors to keep an eye out for her. I knew, she knew, her name, and because she had become very friendly with me, part of me just figured she would hear my voice and come bouncing out of the woods, sadly that was not the case.
After another sleepless night I called Annette, she was so wonderful and took my call right away. Annette made contact with Celeste and let me know that she was OK and still in her body, what a relief. Then she went on to describe my back yard and let me know Celeste was close. Annette also let me know just how frighten Celeste was and that she was in survivor mode. Because there is wildlife out in those woods I wouldn't leave the traps open all night for fear she might get in one, then be tormented all night by a predator. But because Annette had told me she was moving around more at night, Monday night I decided stay up, and continue to check the traps every hour or so. With Annette on her end trying to convince Celeste to go into the box (the traps) and get the yummy food inside, me on my end maintaining the traps and releasing a friendly possum twice.
Finally at 6AM I found her in the trap. She was still pretty scared, but once inside she relaxed. I think she slept for over 48 hours only waking to eat. Without Annette's help I believe I would have given up, or at least widen my search area so much it would have taken me away from her. Annette kept in contact with her continuously during this ordeal and periodicity letting me know she was still OK. All I can say is THANK-YOU, ANNETTE. Deborah A, Bothell, WA
"Our cat, Zebedee, was last seen on Sunday morning, and by Tuesday I was feeling very afraid about what might have happened, and was in touch with Annette for help. She told me that Zebedee had been chased up a tree by a couple of dogs and was now so scared and stressed he didn't want to come down. He showed her his mouth was hurting but that he hadn't been caught by whatever chased him.
We agreed that Annette would encourage him to climb down well after dark, as any dogs should be inside by then and he would be less likely to get spooked again. Annette told me he was up a fir or pine tree, which surprised me (we live in an oak wood) until I realized quite how many there are in our neighborhood when I went looking for him again that Tuesday evening!
There was no sign of him Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, or again Wednesday evening. But at half past midnight Wednesday night I was awoken by a scratchy - miaow - and there was Zebedee standing in the bedroom! He seemed skinnier, and a little on edge, but delighted to be home. For the first few days he was reluctant to eat his dried food (was his mouth bothering him) but apart from that was right as rain.
I don't know what would have happened otherwise, but I'm so pleased I was in touch with Annette! Vicky, CA