StyxWe first contacted Annette about three years ago when Styx, one of our rescue dogs was lost. Styx is an adorable 35 pound terrier cross who is as smart as she is cute. She must have had a rough start in life however because she was frightened by absolutely everything. It took a little time and effort for us to win her over but she was soon playful and affectionate with us as well as our other animals.
My brother, who had worked with us for over two years time had taken Styx to his house for a little socializing. The brilliant little mutt escaped from his yard and tried to find her way home. Although she was only a few miles away, Styx was terrified and went completely the wrong direction. We were panicked and from the moment we heard of her escape because we knew she would rather starve under someone's porch, than let herself be seen by strangers. We placed ads in every newspaper within 100 miles, we put up hundreds and hundreds of color posters, we even hired helicopters to search from the air. I had read about animal communicators previously but had never had a reason to call.
Within after talking to many animal communicators, we focused solely on Annette. Her feedback was so specific, that we that she was "talking" to our little dog and our little dog was "talking" back. Annette kept us updated on Styx's experiences including being hit by a car and being attacked by coyotes. Although it was heart wrenching to hear of her close calls, we took great comfort in knowing that Styx was alive and that she knew we loved her and that we were searching for her.
Annette was eventually able to convince Styx to come out of hiding and sit in the middle of an open field so that someone could spot her and call us, which is exactly what happened. We had sent a map of the area to Annette and she marked a specific spot in a field. We checked regularly, to no avail, but Styx was eventually seen in the exact spot Annette had marked on the map.
A young girl woke up one morning and looked out her bedroom window. She spotted a dog "sitting in the middle of the field". She commented to her Mother that the dog looked like the one she'd seen on the missing poster. When the girl tried to get a closer look, the dog ran into the bushes. When the girl returned to her house, the dog would return to sitting in the middle of the field. The young girl went to school and when she came home for lunch, three hours later, she checked the field again. The dog was still sitting in the middle of the field. When the girl approached, the dog ran off, when the girl retreated, the dog returned to her spot. The same thing happened after school and again after dinner.
The young girl eventually decided to call us, despite not getting a closer look at the elusive dog. It was the call we had hoped and prayed for.
Finally after a month of sleepless nights filled with worry and tears, we got our little girl back. Annette's account of Styx's experiences were confirmed by our veterinarian who discovered an almost healed broken hip (he felt was likely the result of being hit by a car) and a puncture wound (likely from a coyote). It was only after his report that we told our vet about Annette's knowledge of these events weeks earlier, at the time they happened.
We have relied on Annette's ability and accuracy countless times since our remarkable reunion with Styx. Annette has helped us … say good bye to our precious monkey when he died unexpectedly, diagnose health problems by describing invisible symptoms, offered reassurance in insecure animal, explained the concept of movie work to animals which helps them understand that their work is important and enjoyed by thousands of people. Tell our animals how much we love and appreciate them.
We have referred countless people to Annette over the years and she has managed to impress each and every one of them - including staunch skeptics. I would encourage anyone who cares about animals to experience this phenomenon for themselves. Annette, we thank God for you - literally. Love and Gratitude, Dana and Andrew Vancouver B.C.